Mobile phone is the most wonderful invention of modern science.It is an ulttra modern electronic device of modern technologe.It is a cordless phone.By this phone we can communicate and talk to others without any wire.Before mobile phone invented communicating system was very heard.But mobile phone has lessened the distance of the world.Everyone can bear it with him easily for its small size.Now a days video camera and internet system have been included in it.All these factors have made it very popular among the people.In the past it was a sing of aristocracy.But now it is found almost everyone’s hand in our country Grameen phone ,Citycell,Robi,Banglalink,Teletalk and Airtel provide us mobile phone services.Inspire of having all the marits,it has some demerits too.It harms our brain and ears.The excessive use of mobile phone often cases fatal diseases like brain tumer,cancer etc.So we should be conscious in using it.Though it has some demerits,it is truly a blessing for modern civilization.

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