Man is a social being. He cannot live alone. In society, he is to do everything in collaboration with others. Hence arises the question of friendship between the two or among many. Friendship is a happy relationship exists between two men. It also exists between like-minded persons.

The man who has a real friend is a lucky one. But it is really a tough matter to select a true friend. Natural love, respect and confidence are the pre-conditions of friendship. Man lives in society. He comes in contact with others around him. Close association facilitates him to know them. When two such persons find similarity of taste, feelings and sentiments, they begin to like each other. They share each other’s joys and sorrows. They are most helpful to each other in times of necessity. Thus, they select each other for friendship.

Friendship is a treasure. A true friend shares joys and sorrows. He dose not hesitate to sacrifice his comfort, happiness and wealth for his friend’s sake. In shakespeare’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ Antonio is the best example of friendship.

All friends are not really friends. Sometimes we see many friends around us in the days of our prosperity. But they leave us in our distress. They remain so long we can help them. They cheat us in the guise of friends. Such friends are really harmful. They do more harm then the most hostile enemies. There are so many example of this kind of friendship of this kind of friendship in history.

Friendship is a blessing. It exercises a great influence on character. So, a good friend makes us happy. But a false friend will lead us to hell. False friends leave us at the time of our need. So there goes a proverb, “A friend in need is a friend in deed”.

7/31/2012 05:31:59 pm

Rural development means the development of the villages. Bangladesh has 68 thousand villages. These are her never-centers. Hence the development and prosperity entirely depend on the development of these villages.

8/15/2012 01:03:39 pm

i agree with Friendship is a happy relationship exists between two men. It also exists between like-minded persons.

8/19/2012 08:15:01 pm

The particular article's too beneficial, i have fun here somewhat a lot.

9/7/2012 08:37:59 pm

The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. Thanks for sharing.

3/11/2013 05:52:31 pm

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